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Proximal Policy Gradient (PPO)

PPO is one of the most popular DRL algorithms. It runs reasonably fast by leveraging vector (parallel) environments, and naturally works well with different action spaces, therefore supporting a variety of games. It also has good sample efficiency compared to algorithms such as DQN.

Original paper:

Reference resources:

All our PPO implementations below are augmented with the same code-level optimizations presented in openai/baselines's PPO. See The 32 Implementation Details of Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) Algorithm for more details.

Our single-file implementations of PPO:

    • Works with the Box observation space of low-level features
    • Works with the Discerete action space
    • Works with envs like CartPole-v1
    • Includes the 11 core implementation details as shown in the following video tutorial PPO1
    • For playing Atari games. It uses convolutional layers and common atari-based pre-processing techniques.
    • Works with the Atari's pixel Box observation space of shape (210, 160, 3)
    • Works with the Discerete action space
    • Includes the 9 Atari-specific implementation details as shown in the following video tutorial PPO2
    • For continuous action space. Also implemented Mujoco-specific code-level optimizations
    • Works with the Box observation space of low-level features
    • Works with the Box (continuous) action space
    • Includes the 8 implementation details for as shown in the following video tutorial (need fixing) PPO3
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